
Foto Traian George Horia
A bus crash killed 18 Romanian tourists and injured 29 seriously after the vehicle skidded off a main road in Montenegro.
The bus, enroute between Montenegro’s capital Podgorica and Kolasin, in the north region of the former Yugoslav republic, slid off the road around 5 p.m. yesterday and crashed about 50 meters into a gorge near the Moraca river, the government said today in an e-mailed statement.
Seven injured passengers are currently being treated in the intensive care unit of Podgorica’s Clinical Centre, four of which are in critical condition, according to a report by the Podgorica Clinical Centre. The police are still investigating the cause of the accident, it said.
(source Bloomberg)
A bus crash killed 18 Romanian tourists and injured 29 seriously after the vehicle skidded off a main road in Montenegro.
The bus, enroute between Montenegro’s capital Podgorica and Kolasin, in the north region of the former Yugoslav republic, slid off the road around 5 p.m. yesterday and crashed about 50 meters into a gorge near the Moraca river, the government said today in an e-mailed statement.
Seven injured passengers are currently being treated in the intensive care unit of Podgorica’s Clinical Centre, four of which are in critical condition, according to a report by the Podgorica Clinical Centre. The police are still investigating the cause of the accident, it said.
(source Bloomberg)
A bus crash killed 18 Romanian tourists and injured 29 seriously after the vehicle skidded off a main road in Montenegro.
The bus, enroute between Montenegro’s capital Podgorica and Kolasin, in the north region of the former Yugoslav republic, slid off the road around 5 p.m. yesterday and crashed about 50 meters into a gorge near the Moraca river, the government said today in an e-mailed statement.
Seven injured passengers are currently being treated in the intensive care unit of Podgorica’s Clinical Centre, four of which are in critical condition, according to a report by the Podgorica Clinical Centre. The police are still investigating the cause of the accident, it said.
(source Bloomberg, photo foxcrawl)
(Turcia acuza Siria ca a organizat atentatul cu masina-capcana de la Reyhanli: atentatorii sunt turci afiliati serviciilor secrete ale Damascului. Se redeschide, totodata, discutia legata de prezenta a 300000 de refugiati sirieni pe teritoriu turcesc.)
Ankara pointe du doigt la responsabilité de Damas dans l’attentat à la voiture piégée qui a fait 46 morts près de la frontière syrienne samedi. Neuf suspects ont été arrêtés. Ils sont de nationalité turque mais appartiennent à un groupe qui serait lié aux services secrets syriens, selon les autorités. Le ministre turc des affaires étrangères Ahmet Davutoglu, en visite à Berlin hier, a détaillé ses accusations : “ Notre enquête a révélé que cette organisation terroriste marxiste est directement liée au régime de Bachar al-Assad. La Turquie appelle la communauté internationale à arrêter l’attitude agressive du régime et à avoir une position claire contre les actions provocatrices du régime qui sème le chaos.”
L’attentat de samedi vient rappeler le problème de l’insécurité provoquée par la présence de 300 000 réfugiés syriens sur le sol turc. Hier, tout près de la frontière, plusieurs centaines de personnes ont encore manifesté leur colère contre la politique étrangère de la Turquie et le manque de contrôle aux poste-frontières.
(Turcia acuza Siria ca a organizat atentatul cu masina-capcana de la Reyhanli: atentatorii sunt turci afiliati serviciilor secrete ale Damascului. Se redeschide, totodata, discutia legata de prezenta a 300000 de refugiati sirieni pe teritoriu turcesc.)
Ankara pointe du doigt la responsabilité de Damas dans l’attentat à la voiture piégée qui a fait 46 morts près de la frontière syrienne samedi. Neuf suspects ont été arrêtés. Ils sont de nationalité turque mais appartiennent à un groupe qui serait lié aux services secrets syriens, selon les autorités. Le ministre turc des affaires étrangères Ahmet Davutoglu, en visite à Berlin hier, a détaillé ses accusations : “ Notre enquête a révélé que cette organisation terroriste marxiste est directement liée au régime de Bachar al-Assad. La Turquie appelle la communauté internationale à arrêter l’attitude agressive du régime et à avoir une position claire contre les actions provocatrices du régime qui sème le chaos.”
L’attentat de samedi vient rappeler le problème de l’insécurité provoquée par la présence de 300 000 réfugiés syriens sur le sol turc. Hier, tout près de la frontière, plusieurs centaines de personnes ont encore manifesté leur colère contre la politique étrangère de la Turquie et le manque de contrôle aux poste-frontières. (EUROnews; photo Guardian)
(La multi ani dupa declararea independentei, in Republica Moldova continua capturile de arme destinate gruparilor de crima organizata. Situata intre doua zone cu ambitii secesioniste- Gagauzia si Transnistria, Basarabia apare ca "gazda fara voie" a unui intens trafic de armament pe care nu are forta tehnica de a-l elimina si pentru care solicita sistematic sprijin european)
Bărbatul are 49 de ani şi este locuitor al oraşul Călăraşi. În urma unor cercetări, angajaţii Inspectoratului Naţional Investigaţii au stablit că deținătorul de arme ar fi avut intenţia să vîndă armele unui grup criminal specializat în atacuri tîlhăreşti.
Astfel, în urma unei percheziţii, la domiciliul suspectului, forţele de ordine au depistat un automat de model „Kalaşnicov”, un pistol de tip revolver „Olimpic” şi un încărcător, deţinute ilegal.
Provenienţa celor ridicate, urmează a fi stabilită de poliție, armele și munițiile fiind supuse expertizei balistice.
La moment, bărbatul este cercetată penal în baza art. 290 alin.1 Cod Penal al RM. Conform legislaţiei, persoana culpabilă de „Purtarea, păstrarea, procurarea, fabricarea, repararea sau comercializarea armelor de foc, sau a muniţiilor fără autorizarea corespunzătoare” riscă o amendă în mărime de pînă la 12 000 de lei sau închisoare pe un termen de pînă la 3 ani. (sursa MAI.MD)
(Unul dintre atentatorii de la Boston vizitase Dagestan si Cecenia in urma cu un an. Serviciile speciale ale Federatiei Ruse solicitasera FBI sa il contacteze, existand suspiciuni ale afilierii sale la grupurile islamiste radicale din zona)
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano acknowledged to a Senate panel Tuesday that her department was aware of Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s trip to Russia in 2012.
Tsarnaev, who died after a shootout with police Friday, took the trip a few months after the FBI interviewed him because of a tip from the Russian government that he was linked to radical Islamist groups.
(Cat ar parea de ciudat, nu Romania are cel mai scump KWh din Europa, ci... Cipru. BpB prezinta un motiv mai putin cunoscut care, potrivit articolului de mai jos, ar fi condus- pe langa altele- spre colapsul micului stat din zona euro)
This “incident” cost the government of Cyprus over 3 BILLION euros
Cyprus has the most expensive electricity in Europe.
The Evangelos Florakis Naval Base explosion was the worst peacetime military accident ever recorded in Cyprus. The incident occurred on 11 July 2011, when 98 containers of explosives that had been stored for 2½ years on the Evangelos Florakis Naval Base near Zygi detonated.
The resulting explosion killed 13 people, 12 of them immediately, including Captain Andreas Ioannides, the Commander of the Navy (Cyprus’s most senior naval officer), and the base commander, Lambros Lambrou. Also killed were four navy personnel and six firefighters, while a further 62 people were injured. The explosion severely damaged hundreds of nearby buildings including all of the buildings in Zygi the island’s largest power station, responsible for supplying over half of Cyprus’ electricity. As a result, much of Cyprus was without power in the immediate aftermath of the incident and rolling blackouts were initiated in order to conserve supplies. (Source: investmentwatchblog)
(Conform unui comunicat primit de BLOGpeBLOC din partea S.Af. Medical Research Council, in Republica Sud- Africana, numarul de femei omorate de partenerii lor a crescut ingrijorator. BLOGpeBLOC considera ca, pastrand proportiile, Romania ar avea si ea o problema similara: diferenta ar fi, insa, ca R.S.A este o Anglie africana- unde nu se lasa nimic la voia intamplarii si unde problemele sociale sunt prezentate riguros publicului, pe cand in Romania nu are nimeni timp pentru statistici atat de negre)
The researchers, led by Naeemah Abrahams from the Medical Research Council in South Africa, also point out that the 2009 female homicide rate in South Africa was still five times higher than the global rate of this crime.
The researchers reached these conclusions by analysing information on female homicide victims, aged 14 years and older, in 2009, from mortuary registers and databases, autopsy reports and also from police interviews and then compared these results with a similar study they had conducted in 1999.
The authors found that in 2009, there were 930 female homicides compared to 1052 in 1999 (giving an overall female homicide rate per hundred thousand women of 12.9 in 2009 compared to 24.7 in 1999). Although there was some evidence of a decrease in the rate of female murder by an intimate partner—8.8 per hundred thousand women in 1999 compared to 5.6 in 2009—this decrease was not statistically significant.
Importantly, the authors also found that there was a significant decrease in the rate of fatal shootings (female gun homicides), 7.5 per hundred thousand women in 1999 compared to 2.5 in 2009 and that this finding was similar when perpetrated by partners and non-partners (intimate and non-intimate gun homicides).
Unfortunately, the authors found that the chance of conviction of perpetrators of intimate femicide was unchanged over the two time points and the chance of convictions of perpetrators of non-intimate femicides had significantly decreased.
The authors say: “This study was conducted in order to investigate whether there were changes in the prevalence and patterns of female homicide in 2009 compared to 1999 and we had a particular interest in looking for changes that could have indicated success from the new gender-based violence legislation and perhaps accompanying prevention programming at a national level.”
They continue: “There was evidence of change that we suggest is probably consequent on gun control legislation, and we did show difference in female homicide rates overall, but there was a lack of evidence that could be viewed as impact of gender-based violence policies and programming.”
BLOGpeBLOC anunta in exclusivitate ca HOME OFFICE, institutia care proceseaza solicitarile de permis de munca ale strainilor, a incetat din aceasta luna sa mai primeasca solicitari din partea romanilor. Surse din Londra au declarat pentru BLOGpeBLOC ca, momentan, ofiterii HOME OFFICE proceseaza doar vechile cereri, iar pentru deblocarea altora sunt asteptate instructiuni de la Guvern. Masura apare ca un demers (aproape) firesc dupa pozitiile critice din ultima perioada ale actualului premier David Cameron referitoare la prezenta muncitorilor romani pe teritoriu britanic, respectiv dupa campania publica negativa din mijloacele mass-media engleze. Reamintim ca romanii si bulgarii sunt singurii care au obligatia, potrivit legislatiei britanice, sa obtina un permis de munca (exceptand cazurile de self-employment) inaintea inceperii unei activitati lucrative, restul cetatenilor europeni din statele membre UE putand obtine o slujba doar cu actul de identitate.
Comisari din cadrul Comisariatului General al Gărzii Financiare, au dispus suspendarea activităţii comerciale pentru o perioadă de trei luni a două localuri (un bar şi un club de striptease) din Bucureşti (str. Mendeleev). De asemenea, comisarii au dispus şi aplicarea de amenzi, deoarece au constatat că se comercializau băuturi alcoolice fără banderole fiscale şi se încălcau obligaţiile legale referitoare la utilizarea caselor de marcat electronice fiscale. (sursa GF)
D’après un arrêté publié ce dimanche au Journal officiel, les Roumains et les Bulgares ont désormais accès en France à 291 métiers, contre 150 auparavant.
Désormais en France, un Roumain ou un Bulgare pourra être bucheron, éleveur, boucher, ou boulanger, mais aussi courtier en assurances, directeur dans la grande distribution, conducteur de travaux, orthophoniste, enseignant du second degré, technique et professionnel, contrôleur aérien… sans aucune restriction. Selon un arrêté publié ce dimanche au Journal officiel, la liste des autorisations de travail que les ressortissants des États de l’Union européenne soumis à des dispositions transitoires -soient les Roumains et les Bulgares- a été élargie, de 150 à 291 métiers.
Cet assouplissement de l’accès au travail intervient après plusieurs démantèlements de camps de Roms ces dernières semaines, qui ont secoué le gouvernement. À Paris, Villeurbanne, Vaulx-en-Velin, Marseille… des centaines de Roms ont été expulsés, sans solution de relogement gérée en amont. Des méthodes qui rappellaient François Hollande à ses promesses électorales, et relançaient le débat sur le travail des Bulgares et des Roumains.
Dès la fin août, Cécile Duflot proposait ainsi d’élargir «les métiers auxquels ils peuvent avoir accès». Car les Bulgares et les Roumains, depuis l’entrée de leur pays dans l’Union européenne en 2007, ont été visés par des «mesures transitoires» qui leur restreignent l’accès au marché du travail français par rapport aux autres ressortissants communautaires. Des restrictions qui peuvent s’appliquer jusqu’à la fin 2013.
Ainsi, en élargissant la liste des métiers ouverts aux citoyens roumains et bulgares, le gouvernement dit vouloir «anticiper progressivement l’entrée de la Roumanie et de la Bulgarie dans le droit commun». Mais pour un Roumain ou un Bulgare qui souhaite exercer un métier qui lui est autorisé, il devra encore demander une autorisation préfectorale, et son employeur devra acquitter une taxe à l’Ofii (l’Office français de l’immigration et de l’intégration).
Source: Le Figaro
Preşedintele-fondator al Partidului Conservator, Dan Voiculescu, şi-a anunţat, luni, demisia din Senat.
Motivul: "Pentru că există un dosar în justiţie în care am fost implicat, am luat decizia ca de azi să renunţ la imunitatea parlamentară, asfel încât justiţia să îşi facă treaba. Demisionez din Senat". Ce nu a spus Voiculescu este că un parlamentar NU beneficiază de imunitate pentru judecare în dosare penale şi nici imunitate împotriva unei eventuale condamnări la închisoare.
În urma publicării demisiei sale din Senat în Monitorul Oficial, instanţa Inaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie este obligată să-i trimită dosarul penal spre judecare la Tribunalul Bucureşti.
Nu este prima dată cand Voiculescu apelează la această strategie de a-şi muta dosarul penal la altă instanţă. Anul trecut, după condamnarea fostului premier Adrian Năstase, Dan Voiculescu şi-a dat demisia din Senat, motivand că nu i s-a votat o iniţiativă legislativă, iar dosarul său a fost trimis de Înalta Curte la Tribunalul Bucureşti.
Numai că atunci demisia sa s-a produs chiar înainte de pronunţarea sentinţei la Inalta Curte în dosarul său penal în care este acuzat de preluarea frauduloasă a Institului de Cercetări Alimentare, prejudiciul creat statului fiind de circa 60 de milioane de euro, astfel că motivul invocat de Voiculescu nu a fost credibil.
In decembrie 2012, după ce a fost ales din nou senator, Tribunalul Bucureşti a trimis dosarul înapoi la Inalta Curte, instanţa care îi judecă pe parlamentari.
In urma cu cateva zile, instanta Înaltei Curţi a luat decizia urgentării judecării lui Dan Voiculescu exact de unde fusese lăsat anul trecut: adică urmau ca inculpaţii să-şi susţină ultima pledoarie înainte de pronunţarea sentinţei. Termenul dat era 31 ianuarie.
Dacă se dădea o soluţie la Înalta Curte, recursul trebuia judecat tot la Înalta Curte, chiar dacă Voiculescu îşi dădea demisia după o eventuală condamnare de către prima instanţă.
Frica de completul de judecată format din judecătorii Ionuţ Matei, Ioana Bogdan si Camelia Rotaru, care l-a condamnat la închisoare cu executare pe fostul premier Adrian Năstase, l-au determinat pe Voiculescu să-şi dea demisia din Parlament, din nou, pentru a-şi muta iarăşi dosarul la Tribunalul Bucureşti, spun specialiştii.
Voiculescu a motivat că-şi dă demisia pentru a renunţa la o imunitate pe care însă NU o avea deoarece legea permite judecarea şi condamnarea parlamentarilor în dosare penale. Numai miniştrii beneficiază de imunitate
Motivul invocat de senatorul Voiculescu "am luat decizia să renunţ la imunitatea parlamentară, astfel încat justiţia să-şi facă treaba" nu este real deoarece un parlamentar NU are imunitate împotriva judecării şi a unei eventuale condamnări, ci are imunitate în această fază procesuală doar împotriva arestării preventive, care NU a fost cerută nici de Parchet, nici de instanţă. Singura salvare a lui Dan Voiculescu ar fi tergiversarea judecării pană la intervenţia prescripţiei, de aceea Voiculescu şi-a dat demisia din Senat, susţin specialiştii consultaţi de RL. (text "Romania libera", foto ROMPRES)
BOGOTA (AlertNet) - Civilian demining organisations are training staff to start clearance in Colombia, one of the most mine-scarred countries in the world.
Two years ago, Colombia passed a law allowing local and international non-government organisations (NGOs) to carry out demining operations employing civilians.
Before then, insecurity and violence stemming from nearly five decades of armed conflict meant only the Colombian military was allowed to carry out mine clearance.
The UK-based Halo Trust, a demining group, expects to be one of the first international NGOs to start mine clearance within the next several months, employing civilians using mine detectors.
“We are only going to work in areas that are considered safe by the government,” Grant Salisbury, Colombia programme manager for HALO, told AlertNet.
“The first group of 14 Colombian civilians has been trained. We hope to increase that figure by 200 by the end of year.”
It is expected that humanitarian demining groups from Switzerland, Denmark and Norway will also start operations in Colombia within a year
Colombia has one of the highest rates of landmine victims in the world.
Since 1990, more than 10,000 Colombians have been either wounded or killed by landmines, of which 982 have been children, according to latest government figures.
The government says Colombia’s largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), is responsible for planting the majority of landmines and unexploded ordnance littered across the country, mostly in rural areas.
Using a tin of tuna and costing just $5 each, the rebels often use homemade mines as a cheap weapon of war to repel government troops. The drug-running FARC rebels also plant mines in and around coca fields - the raw ingredient of cocaine – to protect their valuable crop.
Colombia's challenging terrain makes mine clearance slow going.
“The terrain is going to be difficult. It’s mountainous and jungle. The daily clearance rate will be slow because of the terrain. It’s slow, but it’s essential work and it’s possible,” said Salisbury.
Another big challenge facing demining operations in Colombia is a lack of information about where and how many mines are planted, meaning it is impossible to gauge the size of Colombia's mine problem.
As a signatory of the Mine Ban Treaty, Colombia has agreed to clear the country of mines by 2021.
“It’s way too early to say whether that obligation can be met and how much terrain remains to be cleared,” said Salisbury.
In recent years, demining in Colombia has focused on clearing all mines placed by the state military around 35 of their bases to hold off rebel groups.
Humanitarian demining in Colombia is still in its early stages, and is largely confined to areas where government troops have secure territorial control.
Despite these challenges, the Colombian government is looking to step up demining operations across the country.
Under historic laws passed in 2011, the government hopes to return millions of hectares of land stolen by armed groups to their rightful owners and to encourage the return of up to 4 million Colombians forced off their land because of the conflict.
However, a key obstacle in giving back stolen land and encouraging uprooted families to return is that some of it remains mined and therefore unsafe for people to return to.
“Both danger and perception of mines is a major obstacle in Colombia’s development. A government plan that envisions the return of IDPs (internally displaced persons) will have to take into account demining,” Salisbury said.
In addition, with peace talks between the Colombian government and FARC rebels under way in the Cuban capital, Havana, the issue of demining is becoming ever more urgent.
If the two sides reach an agreement, demand for humanitarian demining operations run by the Colombian military and foreign and local NGOs will grow significantly. (text, foto: ReutersAlert)
(Orori ale razboiului din Mali: doi civili au fot ingropati de vii de soldati)
In northern Mali, the country’s army frequently turns to torture and murder against people suspected of backing armed Islamist groups, according to doctors, Malian and French troops and an AFP journalist.
The scale of the phenomenon is difficult to assess. Are such rights abuses the outcome of a deliberate counter-insurgency strategy in desert territory where people are more favorable to the Islamists than in the south, or is torture the work of a few hotheads?
Colonel Saliou Maiga heads the paramilitary police in Gao, 1,200 kilometers northeast of the capital Bamako. He has recorded several cases of torture and believes that “soldiers, if they are not controlled by their officers, can do what they like.”
Some of these troops, often badly led, resort to alcohol and even to drugs. And while the Islamists have committed many atrocities - including amputations and stoning to death - in the name of strict Sharia law, these soldiers appear to have equally little respect for human life.
Several soldiers fired on unarmed people who were close to a clash with a small group of Islamists on February 10 in the center of Gao, one of the three main towns in the north, an AFP journalist saw.
The Malian and French military consider that civilian casualties that day, who included at least three dead and 15 wounded, were mainly victims of Mali’s ramshackle army, which is due to receive military training in coming months by a European Union mission of 500 troops.
Allegations of abuses by the army have increased since the beginning of French military intervention in the divided country on January 11, according to the media and non-governmental organizations such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the International Federation for Human Rights, as well as representatives of Mali's Arab and Tuareg communities.
Tuaregs and Arabs are sometimes known as “pale skins” by the majority black population. Their most prejudiced foes describe them as “all terrorists” and carry out, in some places, indiscriminate ethnic reprisals.
NGOs report “serious abuses,” including murders, in and around the western town of Biono, and a “series of summary executions” near the central towns of Mopti and Sevare, where there have also been reports of “sexual violence against women.” Witnesses also report similar actions near conflict zones.
An AFP journalist saw four “pale skins” in Gao and Timbuktu, 900 kilometers northeast of Bamako, who bore marks of torture, such as cigarette burns, traces of electric shock treatment and the use of acid, broken bones, bruises, bullet wounds and signs of strangulation, as well as sexual abuse.
In one town, which cannot be named at the request of the victims, who also asked for anonymity, one man said that after he was beaten up and burned with cigarettes, soldiers poured acid down his nostrils.
“It’s perhaps because I am Tamashek (Tuareg), I don’t see any other reason,” he told AFP.
“I know that he is not an Islamist,” said his doctor, who added that the victim was gravely ill because “the acid will lead to a shrinking of the esophagus, perhaps cancer.”
Elsewhere, a young pale-skinned woman lay on her sickbed with broken bones and several bullets in her body. She told AFP that soldiers had assaulted her. Her doctor said she had also been raped.
In Timbuktu, journalists of the US news agency Associated Press said that they had found two Arabs buried in the sand, close to the town. The family of one of the victims said he had been arrested by Malian soldiers two weeks earlier.
Since then, Malian troops several times went to see the AP correspondents, according to a French military source and a journalist. These sources said the soldiers made no physical threats, but used strong psychological pressure. The news agency has declined to comment. (source text, photo: AlArabya)
Une semaine après l’attaque terroriste contre le site gazier de Tiguentourine on est toujours sans nouvelle de 5 expatriés portés disparus.
Les recherches se poursuivent toujours pour retrouver ces employés dont leur nationalité n’a pas été précisée par le premier ministre Abdelmalek Sellal lors de sa conférence de presse d’hier.
Alors que les travaux de remise en marche de l’usine de traitement de gaz ont été entamés ce mardi.
Le redémarrage total du complexe gazier ne se fera pas avant la fin de l’opération de déminage qui se poursuit toujours sur le site par les éléments des forces de sécurité. Car le champ gazier de Tiguentourine s’étale sur plusieurs hectares en plein désert.
Selon des responsables du groupement mixte exploitant le site gazier, pas moins d’une semaine est nécessaire pour pouvoir remettre tout en marche et les choses reviennent à leur cours normal.
Le ministre algérien de l’Energie, Youcef Yousfi, avait indiqué dimanche dernier que les dégâts sur le site n’étaient pas importants.
Mais des phases techniques complexes et délicates de remise en marche de l’extraction du gaz sont indispensables car l’usine a été mise sous décompression au début de l’attaque terroriste pour parer à l’éventualité d’une explosion du site dont les assaillants auraient projeté de le faire.
Le personnel qu’emploient les entreprises exploitantes du site à savoir le britannique BP, le norvégien Statoil et l’algérien Sonatracha été rappelé à rejoindre les lieux sauf pour les blessés ou encore ceux qui sont toujours sous le choc. (Source: Algerie1)
Cinq terroristes ont été arrêtés dans l’usine du complexe gazier d’In Aménas, à environ 1.300 km au sud-est d’Alger, alors que les forces spéciales continuaient à ratisser le complexe où elles avaient donné l’assaut final, au terme de quatre jours d’une spectaculaire prise d’otages. Mais «trois autres sont en fuite», a précisé à l’AFP le patron de la chaîne, Anis Rahmani, généralement bien informé des affaires de terrorisme.
Dimanche, vingt-cinq nouveaux corps ont été retrouvés sur le site gazier du Sahara algérien où s’est achevé la veille une prise d’otages menée par un groupe islamiste qui a fait plusieurs dizaines de victimes. Le ministre algérien de la Communication Mohamed Saïd avait déclaré un peu plus tôt que le nombre de victimes risquait d'être «revu à la hausse», après un premier bilan provisoire officiel qui faisait état samedi de 23 étrangers et Algériens morts, outre les 32 assaillants tués par l’armée.
Des rescapés ont témoigné de la violence de cette prise d’otages de quatre jours, menée par le groupe «Signataires par le sang» de l’Algérien Moktar Belmokhtar. Les ravisseurs ont affirmé avoir agi notamment en représailles à l’intervention militaire française au Mali qui a bénéficié d’un soutien logistique d’Alger. Selon la télévision publique algérienne, citant de «hauts responsables militaires», les preneurs d’otages étaient de «nationalité libyenne, néerlandaise, tunisienne, syrienne, égyptienne, malienne, yéménite et canadienne».
Selon deux ex-otages algériens, neuf Japonais ont été exécutés par les islamistes dès mercredi: trois qui tentaient de s'échapper d’un bus, puis six sur les lieux d’habitation des employés. «Un terroriste a crié "Open the door" (ouvrez la porte, ndlr) avec un accent nord-américain, puis a tiré», a raconté à l’AFP un des témoins, selon qui «ils étaient au courant de toutes nos procédures». La société japonaise JCG avait indiqué que dix Japonais étaient toujours portés manquants dimanche matin. Tokyo n’a pas confirmé leur mort.
Selon l'épouse d’un Philippin blessé, Ruben Andrada, les otages ont été enveloppés d’explosifs et installés dans des camions piégés. «Ils lui ont mis une bombe sur lui, comme un collier», a dit Edelyn Andrada. «Heureusement, elle n’a pas fonctionné. Les bombes dans les autres véhicules ont été déclenchées et des gens sont morts». Un autre rescapé philippin, Jojo Balmaceda a raconté avoir été ligoté puis jeté dans un camion avec d’autres otages japonais et malaisiens.
Les forces algériennes, qui ont abattu 32 preneurs d’otages, ont pu libérer «685 employés algériens et 107 étrangers», selon un communiqué du ministère, lu samedi soir à la télévision d’Etat. «Les forces spéciales continuent de sécuriser le site gazier de Tiguentourine à la recherche d'éventuelles autres victimes», selon M. Saïd. «Le bilan définitif sera connu dans les heures qui viennent». (source Liberation)
Nothing shocked India with as much intensity of tragedy in its sixty five year of history as that of the brutal gang rape of a 23-year old girl and her subsequent death out of trauma. The public reaction was extraordinarily exceptional. A part of the feeling of the nation was either numbed or dead. India could not decide how to come to terms with the news. How a man in whose hand is trusted the protection of a daughter, the dignity of a sister and the care of a mother can turn out to be worse than a devil or a demon! Humanity, indeed, has shown the ugliest face of its shameful and disgraceful act! The suspense about what would happen to the rape-victim came to an end with her shocking death. Her suffering, certainly, implies a symbolic struggle against atrocity a helpless girl in India goes throughout her life. From womb till every stage of her breathing, a female lives under the constant fear of shame and humiliation.Through such violence as rape, trafficking, forced prostitution and sexual exploitation, the so-called civilized world seems to be a very terrible place for a woman to survive. Cruelty against a girl is universal. It begins even before the very birth happens. Thousands fall victim to gender selective abortion i.e., boys being preferred to girls. Islam took notice of this evil practice hundreds of years back. It regards female infanticide as adult murder. The Quranic injunction strictly forbids the evil practice: ‘When the infant girl, is buried alive, is questioned, for what crime she was killed.’ (Surah 81:8 – 9) It further mentions: ‘You shall not kill your children for fear of want. We will provide for them and for you. To kill them is a grievous sin.’ (Surah 17:31) India’s census commissioner once estimated that several million fetuses were aborted in the country in the last two decades because they were just female. Many more fall prey to sexual offenders, to ‘honour killings’ and to acid attacks, most often for refusing a suitor. A large number of them are burnt to death each year in ‘kitchen accidents’ because their dowry is seen as being too modest. Still a shocking number of women are killed within their own walls through domestic violence. Sexual abuse of girls, often by relatives, though widespread, shrouds in taboo. Millions are trafficked while some are sold. The list of horror is endless. The picture is all too clear. India is confronted by the Slaughter of Eve, a systematic gendercide of tragic proportion. According to World Health Organization, one woman in seven is the victim of rape or attempted rape during her life time in India. While the facts are known and the figures are easily available to the government, the issue has never been taken seriously till the brutal gang-rape and death of a young girl that stirred the conscience of India. Violence against women should be considered as one of the great crimes of humanity. There should not be any room for complacency in face of rape and degradation of women. Well! India does not have the dearth of legal documents that call for the eradication of atrocity against women, yet the nation has failed to stop the occurrence of crime against women particularly the frequency of rape incidents that happen even now every day in every city without a stop. The innocent girls continue to fall victims to the lust of the criminals. India stands as a helpless bystander in view of the growing reports of rapes in the streets and outskirts of cities. What is needed is the stronger commitment to form strict laws. India should not feel shy in following Islamic laws for harsher punishment to the rapists. Those found guilty to outrage the modesty of a girl must be stoned to death. At the same time, society as a whole has responsibility to change attitudes and stereotypes that maintain women’s inferiority. It must also maintain a code of conduct in persuading its women not to mingle with men pointlessly. The bar culture must also come to an end along with culture of making girlfriends and boyfriends outside the sanctity of marriage. It is time India broods about the safety of its women in the way Arab countries do. Islamic principles will certainly help it overcome the challenges the nation is facing at present to check the crime against women. azeemamu@gmail.com (Source: TRIPOLI POST; Foto THE TELEGRAPH) |
Polish police said Sunday they had arrested two men involved in stealing vans in Germany, including a vehicle which was carrying 12 bodies bound for a crematorium.
The two men, aged 25 and 27, were arrested are Polish nationals.
"We are sure that it is them who committed this crime, we have proof," Andrzej Borowiak, a police spokesman in Poznan in western Poland, told AFP. In all, three vehicles were stolen on Monday night at Hoppegarten in eastern Germany. Police later found one van belonging to a building firm.
Police were searching Sunday for the other vehicles including the van that was supposed to take the bodies to a crematorium in Meissen in Saxony, eastern Germany.
Two other people are also being sought. A reward of 5,000 zlotys (1,300 euros) has been offered for information leading to the arrest.
"Everything suggests that the vehicles are on Polish soil," Borowiak said. A Protestant pastor in Berlin has called on the thieves to return the bodies.
"Please, think how you would feel if you could not bury your mother or your father," Markus Droege said in an appeal reported by German newspapers. (AFP)
Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin, kamuya açık alanlarda sigara içilmesini yasaklayan yeni yasayı imzaladı.
Yeni yasa; restoran, uzun mesafe trenleri ve bina girişlerinde sigara içilmesini yasadışı kılıyor. Hükümet sigara içilme oranının azaltılmasını kamu sağlığını geliştirmek için önemli bir adım olarak görüyor.
Rusya yüzde 40 sigara içme oranı ile dünya sıralamasında başlarda geliyor. Kamu alanlarında sigara içme yasağı 1 Haziran'da uygulamaya girecek. Bu tarihten itibaren tren ve metro istasyonu, hava limanı, liman gibi kamu alanlarının giriş kapılarına 15m mesafe içerisinde, işyeri, site girişi, çocuk parkı, sahil gibi alanlarda sigara içilemeyecek.
Bir sene sonra ise sigara içme yasağı otel, restoran, kafe, market ve trenleri de kapsamak üzere genişletilecek. Yasa tütün ürünleri için bir taban satış fiyatı belirlenmesini, sigara reklamı ve satışının da sınırlanmasını öngörüyor. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün 2011'de yayınladığı bir rapora göre, 2010'da Rusya'da en ucuz 20'lik sigara paketinin fiyatı 11 ruble (0,36 dolar) iken ithal sigaranın fiyatı 48 ruble (1,6 dolar) oldu. (bbc.turkce) Tıklayın
Juriul concursului organizat de ONG-ul de mediu Mare Nostrum si-a desemnat castigatorii: la categoria Anchete de Mediu, premiile au fost decernate ziaristilor Mariana Iancu ("Adevarul"), Razvan Rotaru (revista electronica de investigatii http://www.dezvaluiri.ro/) si Traian George Horia ("ZIUA"). Reporterul ZIUA a participat la concursul Mare Nostrum cu articolul "Fosfo-afacerea secolului" (10 ianuarie 2009) care a revelat un neverosimil subiect: deseurile de reactie toxice de la fostele Combinate de ingrasaminte chimice ale lui Ceausescu vor fi vandute (cu aprobare de la Ministerul Sanatatii) pentru... consumul civil, iar terenurile vor fi folosite in proiecte imobiliare-mamut, de proprietari. Mare Nostrum este una dintre cele mai importante organizatii de mediu din Romania, cu parteneri precum Comisia Europeana, AidROM, Agentia de Monitorizare a Presei etc.