01 decembrie, 2011

Corespondentul BpB din Marea Britanie, Pete Snushall (foto stg.), ne-a trimis un editorial pe care îl recomandăm tuturor cititorilor noştri. Cunoscători de limba engleză sau nu, interesaţi sau nu de comunităţile din… străzile Londrei.
"What happens…?
What happens when you leave your property you enter shared territory. A territory which belongs to no-one and everyone. Street gangs of South London for example do not own the territory or run it, and so is shared. This is a reason manners worked so well for so long in society. It is the lack of good education; the teachers are replacement parents in this. You only have to realise the class sizes which cope with ever growing population. Running on an old formula; it doesn't matter because books are swapped for computors and teachers replaced by e-pads and the like . One-parent families are always challenging. You have to work at the family ethic to make it work.
Talisa (singer) of Wolverhampton was right in her part as guest on Newsnight last Thursday when she said – (non quote) that a community in any given street do not know their near neighbour out side of those next door neighbours, let alone the community in the ajoining streets. The mothers; the backbone of the family, there are no fathers on occasion, have the right to manage their kids in such a way as to prepare them for life and community management, in the arena(?) of good parenting to manage their offspring.
It is notThe Nanny State puts paid to this in the tying of parental hands.With this individuals are boundariless as a result. Every member of the country has be affected, directly or indirectly by the riots, Black, White, Asian or whatever the background, West Indian cafes, Asian shops whether it is in Ealing Manchester or Wolverhampton. I have spent time in Brixton and South London where the members of the community have come along way from first setting foot from the S. S. Windrush; or the Asian Diaspora. The recent generations have made their mark in society. I don't think it is the Governments fault wholly save for increase/decrease with police sizes.
No PCs visible in the community to two officers visible to one officer; what is the best number to have visible. What is going on. It is not rocket science to work out how many mediators to have per person or persons to make society run smoothly. The government need to get a grip. Who is running the country. The government or Big Business. I think I know who. I am a part or the society, whether it is big or just society. There is no Broken Britain. Broken makes it sound it can't be repaired. Society is a mess at most and mess can be tidied up. Big Business gives you much you don't need and says you want in big red letters and says and you say want but don't need.
A flashy item for every need but do you need it. It is a far cry from buying from local shop keeper. They are there but it is a battle small against big. Looting is a wrong but temptation can be strong and with the streets being filled en mas with people taking the shiny and new in hand and cart fulls we have to look and see what each and everyone should do."